5280 Associates Financial Blog

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4 Keys to Investing During a Volatile Stock Market

4 Keys to Investing During a Volatile Stock Market

Investing can be intimidating, even in “normal” times, but throw in one of the most volatile stock markets in US history, and investing can become almost unapproachable for some. As you may know, 2020 has certainly been a roller coaster for the stock market. We have...

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How Much Do I Need to Save to Retire?

How Much Do I Need to Save to Retire?

Retirement is a large part of “the American Dream” for most people.  We look forward to a time when we can stop working and live out our golden years in comfort and with dignity.  If this dream exists for you, at some point you will probably stop and ask,...

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4 Key Factors to a Solid Social Security Strategy

4 Key Factors to a Solid Social Security Strategy

Social security strategy is certainly a “frequently asked question” here at 5280 Associates. It’s no wonder, as this topic affects nearly everyone, particularly those who are nearing retirement age. The most common age for people to claim social security is, by far,...

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